Half Way There

Our Technical Training has officially ended.  Participants are slowly on their way to getting their blogs up and running.  They enjoyed learning how to use the digital camera and loading their pictures onto the computer.  It truly puts a smile on your face to see the ownership and pride that the participants are taking in their work. 

Unfortunately as the days grew shorter and colder (we have limited heat at the club) some of the participants did not show up regularly.  However, there is an extremely reliable group of eight that toughed out the training together to the very end. 

We will now have a few weeks off for the holidays and resume our weekly meetings in January to start the Practicum Period.  During this time they will be responsible for completing weekly projects to demonstrate what they have learned thus far.  Further developing their blogs and becoming comfortable navigating through them on their own will be the main focus.  On the right, under Participant Blogs you can see the slowly budding blogs of some of our more avid students.

In November, our Executive Director Gabriela Tanasan was invited by the Soros Foundation to their Advocacy Through Blogging conference in Bucharest, Romania.  She had the opportunity to present our Blogging The Dream project.  Please go to the following link to learn more: http://beth.typepad.com/beths_blog/2008/11/live-blogging-o.html  It's exciting to see others interested in our project efforts, not to mention receiving encouragement and feedback.  Furthermore, Gabriela brought back a lot of information on additional blogging tools that we are excited to implement during our Practicum Period.

 Until next year…Noroc!