Back At The Club

Finally we succeeded at getting our Internet connection set up for week 4 of training.  It was a wonderful feeling to be at our own place, using our own equipment.  Not only did it create a sense of pride for those who lead Fundatia Orizonturi but also for the training participants and even for other beneficiaries of the organization who are not involved with this particular project.


Our initial training plan proved to move a little too quickly for many participants in the first couple of weeks, so we slightly adjusted to focus on some of the more basics of computer use.  Time will not be an issue as we still have the two month Practicum Period after the two month Technical Training to continue implementing the technical skills.  Nevertheless, the training continues to demonstrate productive progress each week and quite honestly, we are surprised and pleased to see that the number of participants has not diminished.  All trainees now have their own email accounts and know the basics of sending/receiving emails.  Currently, individuals are in the process of creating their own blogs.  The amount of enthusiasm that still exists has established an amazing atmosphere for everyone to work together.  One woman proceeds to be in awe and inevitably thrilled to see her name on the computer screen.

Through a short survey, we received overwhelmingly positive feedback.  Participants commented on appreciating the positive and open atmosphere that has been provided for them to learn.  They have enjoyed the team approach and being able to get to know new people from their community.  One trainee stated that they have been too busy learning to notice if there was anything that they did not enjoy.  The concerns we did receive all dealt with the level of difficulty, such as technological terminology.  As discussed before, we have already adjusted the training to a more appropriate learning curve.  Additionally, we have implemented another day during the week that allows the participants to come to the club and practice what they have learned thus far. Hopefully, we will soon have some new participant blogs to display their progress.

7 thoughts on “Back At The Club

  1. wonderful approach ! It is just a matter of time and when the trainees are getting used to digital world they will easily transfer their knowledge to others ( another way to practice and to connect people)
    keep up the great work ,

    from FOKO

  2. Many thanks, Eduardo! We try to turn the internet power into the mental health service users empowerment. It takes time but, we hope, more successful than other ways. Gabriela from Orizonturi (Horizons) Foundation, Romania

  3. Great stuff. This is an important way forward to increase understanding of mental health issues in society (and reduce prejudice) and it’s really good to see you develop such a training course, with built in flexibility.

  4. A dream come true to have internet at the club! ai facut o treaba buna! My continued congratulations on a job well done. I look forward to continually reading up on what you guys are doing!

  5. Pingback: Rising Voices » Blogging The Dream: Dreaming To Blog

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